The Terry Headley Lifetime Defender Award recognizes a current NAIFA member who shows exemplary service to their professional, colleagues, and clients through their political advocacy and contributions to IFAPAC.
Nominees for NAIFA's Terry Headley Lifetime Defender Award should be current NAIFA members who exhibit Headley's commitment to advancing the legislative agendas of agents, advisors, and their clients. To nominate members, please submit the nominee’s name, chapter, a listing of all leadership positions they have held (advocacy positions will hold more weight in the decision-making progress), and all state legislators for whom the nominee is a contact. Include a statement with a description as to why this person is worthy of receiving the award.
Former NAIFA President Terry Headley, LUTCF, LIC, FSS, has a long, distinguished record of service to NAIFA. He has been recognized as a key NAIFA contact for multiple members of the Nebraska Congressional delegation and state legislators over the years. Headley has served in leadership roles at the local, state, and national levels. He is also an IFAPAC Capitol Defender. Headley and former NAIFA President Robert Miller, M.A., M.S., are known as “IFAPAC Co-Commanders in Chief” based on their IFAPAC lifetime giving.
The recipient is chosen by a committee of industry representatives. The committee reviews bios and testimonies provided by the candidate’s peers to determine who best exemplifies and lives out Terry's commitment to advocacy.
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1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1890
Arlington, VA 22209
Phone: 877-866-2432