LILI Requirements, Expectations & Curriculum
What you need to know before enrolling.
The Leadership in Life Institute (LILI) is a six-month leadership development program devoted to advancing your personal growth and professional success.
Experience LILI Your Way! NAIFA has launched Online LILI. You'll receive the same curriculum but with the flexibility to participate virtually. Classes will form each month, allowing you to choose when the timing is right.
What you need to know before enrolling.
The first courses were held in 2000 and our alumni now exceeds 3,000.
Enroll in LILI and submit your tuition.
What you need to know to become a moderator.
The NAIFA Leadership in Life Institute (LILI) develops leaders by fostering personal growth, enhancing business practices and developing skills necessary for effective leadership.
Taking the course is an investment in oneself and the returns on the investment can be infinite. Graduates consistently report that LILI gives them the tools to succeed and 70% report a measurable increase in the growth of their business since graduating.
The LILI program is only available for NAIFA members.
This class was so much more than I expected...[it] was more about personal growth. LILI pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped direct my path towards self-discovery…Everyone has greatness inside them, sometimes we just need the right environment to tap into it and then see how deep we can dig to uncover it.
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Copyright © 2020 NAIFA
National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors
1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1890
Arlington, VA 22209
Phone: 877-866-2432